Saturday, August 22, 2009

Guess who can drive now????
Yep, I got permission to drive again last week and I am keeping the roads hot. My first trip to the grocery store by myself was a little scary but then on Tuesday I was off to Lafayette to help Sarah clean Amanda's house. Wow, freedom.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

No Photos Yet

I have to post that I have a new grandson. Born August 2, at 5:58 PM weighed 8-12 and was 22 inches long. Both mom and son are doing great. Larry and I have Bennett who is sick. Sarah took him to the doctor today and they think he has a sinus infection. He is on an antibiotic.

Second, a funny story (I want to beat Sarah to the story).
In our church the men usually wear white shirts and most wear suits. The bishop of the ward the girls go to was at the youth activity that Sarah was in charge of. Landon walked up to him and said, "Are you the bishop at our church?" Bishop Gibb replied that he was indeed to which Landon said, "Hey, where'd you get those clothes?" Bishop Gibb was in jeans and a nice respectable shirt but it wasn't the usual suit Landon was accustomed to. Funny Landon!