Monday, May 26, 2008


Happy Birthday Addie. It is so hard to believe that "Baby Daddy" is two years old. It seems like such a short time ago that she joined our family. She is striving to outdo her brother, Landon. She is such a sweet loving baby. She loves babies and is all girl. We love having Addie's sweet spirit with us and we all love her prissy personality. We are excited to see her this weekend to celebrate ADDIE!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Men's Shirt to Maya's Sundress

The whole dress. The top. The hem.

Thursday, May 22, 2008


WOW! Can you believe we are already at the end of the Biggest Loser - Family Style? Yep, it has been two months that have flown by and for some, the weight has flown off! The competition is getting stiffer, it is exciting to see the percentages tighten up. Here we go.

(Just so everyone knows, I committed to blogging the results by Friday but Casey starts calling every week around noon on Thursday, pestering me to put up the results. I really should just wait a few hours and make him sweat it out ---- no, sweating will make him even lighter!)

Last Place.......................... Steven Harward - .90%

7th Place............................ Sarah Harward - 1.60%

6th Place............................ Brad Porter - 1.58%

No changes so far.....

5th Place............................ Kathy Porter - 2.87

Here come some changes..................................

4th Place............................. Larry Porter - 4.99%

3rd Place ............................ Hannah Porter - 5.31%

2nd Place............................ Amanda Elmer -5.64%

1st Place............................. CASEY ELMER - 6.91% (yes Casey, this is right!)

I have asked before if anyone would like to enter the Biggest Loser - Gladiator (I think Gladiator's fought by themselves, maybe I will re-name it, it is the best I could come up with right now). The first of June we will start another competition.

So far, here are the contestants:

Kathy Porter - blogger extraordinaire

Amanda Elmer -

Casey Elmer

Sarah Flynn Zarsky (all the way from Texas!)

It would be fun to have a few more participants. I think Hannah might do it again and maybe Larry. We have to come up with a reward. I thought maybe we could all mail the winner our favorite candy (JUST KIDDING!). Anyway, I want to have a reward thought of in advance. Let me know if you are reading this and want to join in the fun, it is better than Weight Watchers and cheaper too. If we have enough interest, I am thinking of devoting an individual Blog to the contest and we can share recipes, etc. I think that would be fun, fun, fun (I know, I need a life).

Until next week......... the race is on!

Thursday, May 15, 2008


Well, so far, there seems to be no one interested in joining in the fun of the Biggest Loser starting in June. I can't figure out why people wouldn't want to join in the 'fun'. Okay, not many surprises this week. We still have the Elmers to beat~

#1 Casey - 5.92% (total 12 pounds lost)
#2 Amanda - 5.64% (total 11 pounds lost)
#3 Larry - 4.63% (total 13 pounds lost)
#4 Hannah - 3.72% (total 7 pounds lost)
#5 Kathy - 2.87% (total 4.5 pounds lost)
#6 Brad - 1.17% (total 3 pounds lost)
#7 Sarah - .53% (total 1 pound lost)

Can we even catch the Elmers? I'm feeling defeated. I think we have decided that the winners get to pick a family trip, camping or Holiday World and the losers have to pay...... Wonder who's going for free?

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Maya

Maya in NYC in March. Maya in December
Maya and Grampy last spring Maya and Nana in August in Phillydelphia

This will be a little post to Maya. I am so sad that I can't be there for your birthday when you turn 4! I miss you and will be so happy when you come to Indiana so I can see you more. You are such a loving little girl and I love it! Have a happy birthday. Grampy and Nana love you.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

I woke up at 4:00, went to the bathroom and then couldn't go back to sleep. I stayed in bed until 4:55 and then decided to go downstairs and waste some time on the computer. As I sat here and thought about Mother's Day, I thought about how much I have always hated Mother's Day. I always feel like church talks are always about the mother I wish I were. I would come home wanting to be a better mom but feeling quite overwhelmed.

Today, I have a totally different thought on Mother's Day. It really isn't about me at all. It is about my mom and all the things she did so right for her kids. It's about those mothers that I have watched over the years and the good example they were to me. It is about my daughters being great mothers to my sweet grandkids and it is about my future daughters-in-law that will also be mothers of my grandchildren.

First, to my mom. I have never known someone who tried harder to be a good mom. In my mind, she made conscience decisions to put her family first. When I was in high school, she worked full time to fully support her 4 children. She gave and gave and then gave a bit more. I never remember her volunteering in my school but I never remember her missing an activity that I was in. Whether it was the County Music Festival, a basketball game that I cheered at, a school play, whatever, she was there. I am sure there were times that she just felt she couldn't do it all but I never remember her expressing that. My generation of 'selfish' mothers could learn great lessons from my mom. I know, at times, I take my mom for granted. She has given so much to me and taught me so much. I am forever grateful for her example and for her unconditional love. Thanks mom.

To my girls. I can't express the joy that comes when you watch your daughters with their children. My girls are the moms that I wish I had been. They are great teachers. They are always looking for opportunities for their children to learn. They go to the zoo, to the parks, on picnics, to museums and to friend's houses. Most importantly they take their children to church and they take time to try to teach them the many aspects of the gospel of Jesus Christ in their homes. My girls teach their children about serving in the church about service in general. They are those moms that are talked about every Mother's Day. They are doing the important things that will help my grandchildren to be successful, happy adults. Keep it up girls.

On this Mother's Day, I want to say thanks to all the Mothers that have influenced my life and still do.

Happy Mother's Day!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Only TWO more weigh-ins........ THREE weeks left

We had 100% participation this week. Welcome Back Harwards! They were on vacation this week and can't be held accountable for their results.

Elmer's continue to talk trash and continue to lead the pack. We are all interested in what they are doing to keep the weight coming off. They are kicking some major Porter butt here. Here are the results.

#1 Casey (again) at 5.18%
#2 Amanda (again) at 4.87%
#3 Larry (again) at 4.09%
#4 Hannah at 3.45%
#5 Kathy at 1.59%
#6 Brad at 1.17%
#7 Sarah at 1.06%
#8 Steven at .90%

As you can see, some of the less movitated are digging a hole that will be hard to fill in in the next 3 weeks. Those that are leading are beginning to think that the rewards previously discussed aren't quite good enough, now that they are leading. Funny, funny Elmers!

What is the reward guys? Holiday World? I have to say that no one is a loser here. We have all done better than when we started. What do you think about starting a Blogging World Biggest Loser? I was thinking in June, we could start another contest, opening it up to anyone who reads the blogs. Let me know what you think, or if anyone would participate.

Until next week............. Don't eat that dessert!

Friday, May 2, 2008


And then there were two???

I think we may be down to two teams now.

The Elmer's recorded another successful week. They continue to be the house to beat. They did talk a little 'smack' to Big Larry this week and he has re-focused and re-dedicated himself to passing at least one of them, if not both. Still, with that said, the Elmer's are putting everyone to shame. Way to go Elmer's!!!

The Harward's have been reminded and still have not turned in their weekly results. As a result their numbers will not be available this week. Let's hound the Harward's to finish this contest and get with the program for the last 4 weeks. I assure you all, we have not voted them out of the contest. Their refrigerator light is still on.

The Porter house has been a little less than motivated. On Monday they all decided to take it easy on the Raisin Nut Bran and focus on steady weight loss. We have a couple of people in the house that still have to focus a little more but we are determined to give it our best shot.

Without further delay, here are the results for WEEK 5

Number Uno: Casey at 4.19%
Two is the Loneliest Number: Amanda at 3.84%
Three three, three three three: Larry at 3.74%
Fourrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrth Kathy at 2.87%
Five Golden Rings: Hannah at 1.86%
Give me a S, Give me a I, Give me a X: Brad at 1.17%

Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their weight loss~