Thursday, April 10, 2008


Another week, another weigh-in. This is a lot like the TV Show, with the ups and downs of the contestants. We have seen some major switches this week. Some have become a little discouraged and dropped from first place to 6th (mainly because she isn't living in the Biggest Loser compound, away from the hustle and bustle of real life and tax season!) Anyway, without further delay, here are the results. Dim the lights please (OOPS, wrong show, that is American Idol, anyone sad that Michael Johns is gone? There are at least 3 others that should be gone before he left!) Sorry, back to the Biggest Loser- Family Style

#1 losing 2.139% of their starting weight, Larry Porter! (WoW, Wee, WoW, Wow, Wow)
#2 with a loss of 1.7948% Amanda Elmer (can I hear a what?what?)
#3 at 1.7283% less, Casey Elmer (That's what I'm talkin' bout)
#4 Hannah Porter with 1.5957% (you go girl)
#5 weighing in at 1.1718% less his starting weight, Brad Porter (that's right!)
#6 Kathy Porter at .9584% (yeah, for those of you that can do the math, that means I am up from last week!) (Don't rub it in)
#7 also up from last week, Steven Harward at .90497% (those Oreo's didn't pay off, did they?)
#8 you guessed it, last again is Sarah Harward at +.5342 from her starting weight

The challenge contestants is to do better this week. BRING THE GAME!


Sarah Harward said...

First of all... I SUCK!!
Second of all... I think Steven didn't report his weight right because to day he was down. I'm not sure that would change his standing at all, but just so you know...
And Thrid of all... I'm SO mad Michael Johns is gone!! SOO MAD!!!

Sarah Harward said...

Bring the game.
Bring the game?
BRING the game?
Bring the Game?
Bring the game...

(for those who may be reading this who aren't members of our family, this is a quote from dad. Pretty funny, if you were there...)

Casey said...

come on sarah, one more comment, i know you got one in ya.