Tuesday, January 5, 2010

No Photos is like No Blog at all

I need to blog but I haven't taken pictures in forever and I only think it is truly a blog if you post pictures. But, alas, I am blogging without photos.

It has been non-stop around here. With the holidays, kids coming, kids leaving, Larry working, shopping, cleaning, and sneaking in some Jack Bauer (24) we are all ready for some R&R. I am totally hooked on the TV series 24. I am up to season 6, and hope to get it done and season 7 (although I have already seen it - to refresh my memory) before Season 8 begins on January 17th.

I picked Amanda and her family up from the airport today. They have been in Spokane, WA since before Christmas. We will open some presents with them this weekend, when Sarah comes to visit (again. Thanks Sarah for making the trip, yet again).

Hope to post some photos soon.

1 comment:

Searls Stuff said...

I know what you mean about feeling like a post needs a photo. However, I have decided that I need to post something each week, photo or not. It is just about the only journaling I do these days. Enjoy having the girls around for a while.