Thursday, September 11, 2008

You ask what I have been doing????

I checked on James's hermit crab last week and there he was all dried up and hanging out of the shell. I was sad that I had to tell James that Larry the Crab died. I emailed James on Monday with the bad news.
Later Monday afternoon when I decided to clean the cage, I saw a claw deep in the shell and when I tried to get it out (so I could save the shell for James) IT MOVED!! Yep, Larry the Crab MOLTED! We had hermit crabs before but I didn't know they molted. So, I quickly emailed James again and told him the news. He was happy.

I stayed up until after 1:00 AM working on a baby quilt for Sarah's baby boy to be born in December. Here is the fisished product. I dont' know if you can tell how cute it is but the main square is a little dog patterned fabric with blues, browns and yellow. The other square is four small squares with brown polka-dots, blue with bones, yellow with bones and hearts and then the blue/tan/brown striped. (click on the picture to see it better) I really like it.
Here's a bigger picture.
And sideways. Now, if I can just learn to work the big quilt machine, I will be set. I have 3 quilts to quilt and still have fabric to make another one. I LOVE SEWING!!

1 comment:

Sarah Harward said...

SUPER CUTE!! I LOVE IT! I'm so excited!!!!!