Monday, February 15, 2010

Some favorite holiday photos

I always forget that I have to post the last pictures first so I feel like my blog is always backwards. This post will show you what I mean. We always do some sort of 'talent' show when the grandkids are all together. This year it ended with the dads and Grampy being the base of a pyramid. Each kid got a chance to be on top. They thought it was cool. Oh, the simple things that thrill a child. We each took turns doing some fun reading or activity with the kids, one picture is of Amanda doing 'school' work with the kids. Brad is getting ready to go to Turkey Bowl (fashion statement!). I think this must have all be during Thanksgiving because I couldn't find any photos of James.

These pictures are when the cousins saw each other after a 4 month separation. They were so happy to see each other!! What fun they had. They really are such good friends.


Searls Stuff said...

I love this digital age we live in. Instant pictures at the push of a button. Thanks for sharing some of your favorites. They are great!

Sarah Harward said...

I wish we could reunite more often! And I wish my tongue wasn't sticking out in that picture, but we can't always have what we want!