Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Catching Up

I really don't feel the need to catch up with all the Christmas stuff as the girls do such a great job. I just had some pictures on my camera and thought I would post a few. These are Christmas morning with the whole family here. I love these guys. Matching PJ's are a Christmas Eve tradition. This year everyone got shirts with their initials on it and the number in which they joined the family. Larry #1, Kathy #2, Amanda #3, Sarah #4, etc. It was a hit. We are up to #18 but Ella was too small to get a shirt but she had PJ's that matched the kids. Pogo Sticks and Stilts. How much fun can that be??
Christmas Eve Larry couldn't contain his excitement and HAD to give the girls the presents he bought them (with my suggestion). They were somewhat surprised, to say the least. This is the guessing picture.

The, "OH MY GOODNESS!! I GOT UGGS" picture.

The modeling picture. It was a hit. Dad always has to outdo me!~

Hannah with her stocking.


Steven having a hard time containing his excitement.

James, handsome as ever. I sure miss that guy.

Brad and Jessica. Jessica got her hair colored back to blonde for Christmas. She was happy about that and has sworn to never go brown again. She is beautiful.

I miss the family times. In my 'ideal' world, everyone would live in the same town and we would have Sunday dinner together and lots of fun outings.

1 comment:

Sarah Harward said...

1st- THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE UGGs!! I wear them ALL THE TIME! I'm wearing them right now actually.
2nd- That picture of Steven is too funny!
3rd- I miss James too. I wish BYU was closer!
4th- I wish we lived in the same town too!!