Monday, July 14, 2008

Some of my favorite pictures

I still have to blog about Friday but I thought I would put in some of my favorite pictures from the week.
I don't know if you can tell but Brad was running through the play ground and the Porter decided to race him. When they entered the tube, Brad was ahead of Porter. Somewhere in the middle, Porter decided to climb over Brad and came out of the tube in first place. It was so funny. I wish I had a video camera!
Who was the fishing trip for?? The kido's took a break and were playing in a boat.
Typical Landon.
Maya said, "Nana, take a picture of my shivering." I am sure you can all see it, right?

1 comment:

Sarah Harward said...

I don't think you guys are going to catch anything fishing seeing as how your hooks are in the rocks. Were you just getting ready cast off, or were you guys just posing for the picture? Landon really did have a blast. Yesterday he said to Steven, "Dad, I know what we can do today. How about we do 'Grandparents Camp' and go to Nana's again!!" He LOVES his photo book too. It was WELL worth it if you ask me!!