Thursday, October 27, 2011

Quilting and Straight Hair

Straightened my hair yesterday.  Hannah said, "It looks like you need some shape to it."  Larry liked it.
 Long Bangs.

 I pieced this quilt several years ago and decided to 'practice' on it. 
This is true practice.  Don't judge those crooked circles.  I need a class on patterns and how to decided what to do in each section of a quilt.  I will read up on it.


Larry said...

you are a hottie!

Sarah Harward said...

Steven purred in at your sexy picture! I love your hair straightened!! It makes you look so sassy!!! And i can't wait to try out that machine!!!!

Amanda said...

I like the straight hair. I also think the quilt looks awesome! the one pattern that looks like a lilly is cool

Searls Stuff said...

I didn't quite know how to go about answering your question about the Halloween shadow box. So, I figured I would post here. Yes, they all have at least 1 3-D element. There are some little pumpkins & seeds from a dried fall potpourri, some buttons with ribbon, strips of fabric ribbon, and stencils glued to several layers of card stock. You should make one. It was really enjoyable. Congratulations on the new quilting machine. I didn't realize you were hooked on quilting. I envy the time you have to use your machine. I keep telling my self, "In 5 years I can quilt as much as I like."