Thursday, May 22, 2008


WOW! Can you believe we are already at the end of the Biggest Loser - Family Style? Yep, it has been two months that have flown by and for some, the weight has flown off! The competition is getting stiffer, it is exciting to see the percentages tighten up. Here we go.

(Just so everyone knows, I committed to blogging the results by Friday but Casey starts calling every week around noon on Thursday, pestering me to put up the results. I really should just wait a few hours and make him sweat it out ---- no, sweating will make him even lighter!)

Last Place.......................... Steven Harward - .90%

7th Place............................ Sarah Harward - 1.60%

6th Place............................ Brad Porter - 1.58%

No changes so far.....

5th Place............................ Kathy Porter - 2.87

Here come some changes..................................

4th Place............................. Larry Porter - 4.99%

3rd Place ............................ Hannah Porter - 5.31%

2nd Place............................ Amanda Elmer -5.64%

1st Place............................. CASEY ELMER - 6.91% (yes Casey, this is right!)

I have asked before if anyone would like to enter the Biggest Loser - Gladiator (I think Gladiator's fought by themselves, maybe I will re-name it, it is the best I could come up with right now). The first of June we will start another competition.

So far, here are the contestants:

Kathy Porter - blogger extraordinaire

Amanda Elmer -

Casey Elmer

Sarah Flynn Zarsky (all the way from Texas!)

It would be fun to have a few more participants. I think Hannah might do it again and maybe Larry. We have to come up with a reward. I thought maybe we could all mail the winner our favorite candy (JUST KIDDING!). Anyway, I want to have a reward thought of in advance. Let me know if you are reading this and want to join in the fun, it is better than Weight Watchers and cheaper too. If we have enough interest, I am thinking of devoting an individual Blog to the contest and we can share recipes, etc. I think that would be fun, fun, fun (I know, I need a life).

Until next week......... the race is on!


Casey said...

14.5 / 202.5 = 7.1% Cmon Kathy let's get those percentages right. I completely skipped the 6's.

Zarsky Family said...

Well, go ahead and add Teresa Flynn to the list! I told her about it and she is ready to sweat!!

HoffmanFamily2 said...

I'm in! Where do I sign up!?

Loni said...

Hey Kathy!
Count me in (and down hopefully!)and let me know what to do!
