Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

I woke up at 4:00, went to the bathroom and then couldn't go back to sleep. I stayed in bed until 4:55 and then decided to go downstairs and waste some time on the computer. As I sat here and thought about Mother's Day, I thought about how much I have always hated Mother's Day. I always feel like church talks are always about the mother I wish I were. I would come home wanting to be a better mom but feeling quite overwhelmed.

Today, I have a totally different thought on Mother's Day. It really isn't about me at all. It is about my mom and all the things she did so right for her kids. It's about those mothers that I have watched over the years and the good example they were to me. It is about my daughters being great mothers to my sweet grandkids and it is about my future daughters-in-law that will also be mothers of my grandchildren.

First, to my mom. I have never known someone who tried harder to be a good mom. In my mind, she made conscience decisions to put her family first. When I was in high school, she worked full time to fully support her 4 children. She gave and gave and then gave a bit more. I never remember her volunteering in my school but I never remember her missing an activity that I was in. Whether it was the County Music Festival, a basketball game that I cheered at, a school play, whatever, she was there. I am sure there were times that she just felt she couldn't do it all but I never remember her expressing that. My generation of 'selfish' mothers could learn great lessons from my mom. I know, at times, I take my mom for granted. She has given so much to me and taught me so much. I am forever grateful for her example and for her unconditional love. Thanks mom.

To my girls. I can't express the joy that comes when you watch your daughters with their children. My girls are the moms that I wish I had been. They are great teachers. They are always looking for opportunities for their children to learn. They go to the zoo, to the parks, on picnics, to museums and to friend's houses. Most importantly they take their children to church and they take time to try to teach them the many aspects of the gospel of Jesus Christ in their homes. My girls teach their children about serving in the church about service in general. They are those moms that are talked about every Mother's Day. They are doing the important things that will help my grandchildren to be successful, happy adults. Keep it up girls.

On this Mother's Day, I want to say thanks to all the Mothers that have influenced my life and still do.

Happy Mother's Day!


Sarah Harward said...

Happy Mother's Day mom! I wish you could see in yourself what your kids see in you. Then you'd never feel inadequate!

Amanda said...

Happy Mothers day to you too! I love you and am so grateful to have you as my mom. Thanks for the ego boost!

Casey said...

I agree on your observations of Gran, what a Woman!
I agree on your observations of Sarah and Amanda, Reowwwr!
I disagree on your observations of yourself, Doubting Thomasina!
You are the wind beneath my wings, and the Me in Bobby Mcgee!

Peggy said...

Happy Mother's Day Kathy you are the mom I always wanted to be and I say AMEN to all your expressions about your girls they are the awesomest of moms and I am so thankful they were raised by such a great mom and that oneof them married my son!