Friday, May 2, 2008


And then there were two???

I think we may be down to two teams now.

The Elmer's recorded another successful week. They continue to be the house to beat. They did talk a little 'smack' to Big Larry this week and he has re-focused and re-dedicated himself to passing at least one of them, if not both. Still, with that said, the Elmer's are putting everyone to shame. Way to go Elmer's!!!

The Harward's have been reminded and still have not turned in their weekly results. As a result their numbers will not be available this week. Let's hound the Harward's to finish this contest and get with the program for the last 4 weeks. I assure you all, we have not voted them out of the contest. Their refrigerator light is still on.

The Porter house has been a little less than motivated. On Monday they all decided to take it easy on the Raisin Nut Bran and focus on steady weight loss. We have a couple of people in the house that still have to focus a little more but we are determined to give it our best shot.

Without further delay, here are the results for WEEK 5

Number Uno: Casey at 4.19%
Two is the Loneliest Number: Amanda at 3.84%
Three three, three three three: Larry at 3.74%
Fourrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrth Kathy at 2.87%
Five Golden Rings: Hannah at 1.86%
Give me a S, Give me a I, Give me a X: Brad at 1.17%

Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their weight loss~


Casey said...

I'd like to see big larry try to beat this...

Kathy said...

Big Larry is going to kick some butt this week!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I seriosly just love your family! What a fun thing to do together, and a good motivator to get healthy. Tell Larry that we're rooting for him...someone's gotta. :)

Casey said...

More like, Big Larry is going to get his big butt kicked this week! Booyah! Smack talk always helps you drop a pound or two, it's a known fact.

Casey said...

Alright, lets get those numbers posted, lets not be lazy, i've got some celebretory cake eatin' to do tonight.