Thursday, May 27, 2010


I figured out how to change the settings on my blog to reflect the correct time and date. Yeah for me!

Today was my most stressful day so far. It was really bad. I was a little worried when mom went to sleep at 11 and was only awake a couple of times until 6, then back to bed at 7:30 for the night. The hour and a half she was awake, she was very confused. She tries to talk but it doesn't make any sense. The Reds had just came on and she asked Rhonda if her girls ever went to Cueto's (Johnny Cueto was pitching for the Red tonight). Rhonda asked her to repeat it and she did. Rhonda said she didn't understand and mom told her it was that guys house up behind her house. Just one example. Once when she was talking she looked at me and said, "I'm talking crazy. I am just so tired." I guess I thought when people got this way they didn't know any different but she knows that she isn't making sense.

I leave tomorrow. I am worried about the weekend. I don't think they will do surgery if she is this bad. We really don't know what to do.

1 comment:

Sarah Harward said...

Poor Granny! It's hard to even get our hopes up with it's so up and down from day to day!!