Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I feel like I am in a whirlwind, tornado, hurricane, earthquake, whatever. I am in Ohio again taking care of my mom. She has kidney cancer. Was supposed to have the kidney removed last week but was too weak and confused for the surgery. We were sent home to "get her strong" whatever that is supposed to mean. She has been losing weight consistantly since January, of course she is going to be weak and remain weak until that cancer is out. Here is our run-around:
The kidney has to come out
The lung cancer is spreading
She is too weak for surgery
Doctor WON'T opperate
Get her stronger
She is weak, no appetite
Go back to doctor
Kidney has to come out
Lung cancer is spreading
She is too weak for surgery
Doctor WON'T opperate
*you get the point?

It is hard to force your mom to eat. It is easier to let her peacefully rest. I want her to fight to live, to do what is hard (eat, go outside, sit in the chair instead of laying in bed) but I feel such compassion for her and what this disease is doing to her.

I love being able to pay back (somewhat) for all my mom has done for me. She is amazing and I am praying we can make it through this next few weeks, have the surgery and we will have her with us a few more years. Prayer is the key.

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