Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Harwards are coming, The HARWARDS are coming!

Yes, I mean the Harwards, not the Brittish. I am excited to see them this weekend. Grandkids are one of the best blessings in my life. I loved and love being a mom but those little ones really give me joy that I can't explain. Over the past several years, when times are really hard, I think of those little ones that call me Nana and it makes the hard times worth it. I feel so blessed to be Nana.

On a much more serious note, my mom continues to decline at a very rapid rate. We are most certain she won't last the two to three months the doctor predicted 9 days ago. She is sleeping 22 hours or more a day, is still in no pain, hasn't eaten more than 10 bites for the past 3 days, and most of the time she speaks jibberish.

My mom and I went to the New England states in October so for Christmas I gave her a little photo album with pictures from our trip and in the back gave her a coupon to go to Branson this summer. The two places she wanted to go before she died. We won't make it to Branson and I am sad I didn't take her last summer. I have great memories of my mom and feel so lucky to have a mom who was willing so sacrifice so much for her family.

Short story for my kids. Granny married my dad when she was just 17. Through all of the hard times and his alcoholism she never stopped loving my dad. I have very few good memories of my dad but if my mom could talk now, she would say she still loved him. In a short time she will be able to be with my dad, her 'true love'. She will also see her parents, sister, her grandson and many others who loved her and whom she loved. I have to be happy for her yet I will miss her. I am selfish.


Sarah Harward said...

We are excited!! I've got the kids packed and just need to get me and Steven packed (hopefully before my Dr. apt) then we'll just be sitting around waiting for Steven to call to tell us it's time to go!! See you tonight!

Searls Stuff said...

One of the greatest blessings we have as members of our church is an understanding of the eternal nature of families. I am thankful you have that principle to carry you through this difficult time. Enjoy those cute grandkids!

Amanda said...

I'm selfish too, I keep hoping for a miracle.

Amanda said...

Oh, and I wish we could come see you and the Harwards...

Jims Porter said...

Mom, I think you're amazing.