Monday, February 4, 2008

Well, you should be impressed. I actually put pictures on here, by myself!! So here are a few shots of the new floors and the new porch. I love the way the porch looks from the outside. I only had my little camera memory card thing and could only take 4 photos but you girls can get the idea. The smell in the house is pretty bad. I have a headache and have only been in the house a few hours today. I think we are going to love the finished project.


Amanda said...

As wheezy would say "LOVE IT". It's really looking good and in a few months you won't even remember the smell (very much). I'm so glad you're blogging you old dinosaur!

Sarah Harward said...

Way to go mom! Good job adding the pictures. I think it looks so good!! I'm excited to see the sun porch once it's done, and the floors look B-E-A-UTIFUL!!