Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Another day comes to an end

I wish I had cute funny things to write about but alas my boring life would only allow me to blog about doing laundry, grocery shopping, haircut, cooking dinner, etc. I did meet Brad for lunch today at Sams Club. Brad, Kaylea and I ate lunch for $7. Brad mentioned that he usually spends that much on his lunch. You gotta love Sams Club. Pizza and a CF Diet Coke for less than $2. We did have some excitement this morning. No TV to see what was happening but we heard a lot of fire trucks this morning and then Hannah's bus didn't come on time. We heard that a house exploded just up the road from us. Larry and I drove by there this evening and a little duplex was, for the most part, gone. Only 4 walls standing.

I am so sad that I missed American Idol this evening. I guess I can see the re-cap tomorrow.


Sarah Harward said...

I recorded it on my DVR!! You can watch it when you come up this weekend!

Amanda said...

I wonder what caused the explosion. Wierd.

Zarsky Family said...

One of our favorite lunch spots is Sam's! We have our pizza and then do our shopping...what a deal!